Monday, 18 April 2011

Plasticine FAIL D:

Okay so the cardboard didnt work..

I then decided that I would make my animation using plasticine, as it worked well enough for the mini animation I made a few days previously; and got cracking..

Firstly I was going to make a 2D robot from plasticine..

But I decided 3D would be easier to move with my animation.

The robot's main frame (hahhaa get it?! :P):

With the head and neck attached..

Then some dodgy eyes are seen (sorry about the puns, it's making me feel better.. ha)..

Then the mouth and arms were attached..

The joints for the legs too..

Added the legs..

I then decided the body was too long and a partial amputation was in order..

All that was missing at this point were the pupils in the eyes, the teeth lines and the antennae/ears..

So I added a few of the afforementioned..

But then whenever I tried to alter it in anyway after that, this happened:

Poor Mr Robot :(

There's also the fact that this face looks absolutely crap..


So there we have it, that's both cardboard AND plasticine down.. time for plan C, I suppose.. something which I dont currently have... :/

A cup of tea is in order. D:


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