Thursday 31 March 2011

Robert Benfer & Klaymation

I first discovered 'Klaymation' or 'Knoxs Korner' (created by Robert Benfer), back in 2006 with my friend Jordan; we instantly found the immature humour in the animations hilarious, as well as being impressed with the quality of the animation itself.

This is one of the best ones in my opinion, even if it's a bit immature :P


Wednesday 30 March 2011

Print to Pixel

Hey, this is my new blog, focusing on our new module; 'Print to Pixel'.

This is an animation module and we will be exploring techniques such as stop-motion animation, cell animation, creating rayograms and many more handdrawn and computer based skills.

I like the sound of this module, especially as I have worked with Adobe Fireworks and Flash before briefly in the past and enjoyed it quite a lot :)

So let's go!
